Get together with your business or other organization (or those in your bubble!) and decorate a site in Gull Lake Campground to spread some Christmas cheer.
No need to book a site--just choose an empty one and start decorating. Cost is $20/site to help cover power costs, payable to Gull Lake Campground. Payment can be made at Town of Gull Lake office.
This year, each group is responsible for either plugging in their display each night and unplugging in the morning, or for setting a timer to do this for you. Additionally, please ensure that your inflatables are inflated and your lights are uncovered following any snow. Thanks to Blake Campbell for taking care of these tasks for the past 3 seasons!
The goal is to light up Christmas Cove by Dec. 1, but don't worry if you don't have your display done by then--just shoot for as soon as you can. The earlier the displays are up, the more time we can enjoy them and get in the Christmas spirit.
Contact Sara with questions: 671-7725.
Gull Lake Recreation Director