The Town of Gull Lake recently received a $20,000 matching grant from the Built Saskatchewan Program. The program provides support to municipalities, First Nations, incorporated not-for-profit organizations, private individuals, and corporations for projects that conserve the heritage value of a building or structure in order to ensure its retention over time. The grant is to be used to apply wood siding to the exterior walls of the Wong Guy Shoe Shop.
To match the grant Town Council authorized up to a $20,000 loan to the Economic Development Committee to be repaid over 20 years (see the motion below for details). The Economic Development Committee is a committee of Council, that makes recommendations to Council, on matters that will foster and enhance business retention and expansion in the community.
Motion from December 23rd Council Minutes
Leahy/ Migneault:
THAT we authorize up to a $20,000.00 loan to the Economic Development Committee, repayable over 20 years interest free, to match the $20,000.00 Built Heritage Grant for the Wong Guy Shoe Shop Restoration project for the supply and install of wood siding to all exterior walls, and; THAT should the loan be repaid in 10 years, $2,000.00 will be forgiven. CARRIED
The exterior siding will be a great addition to the building and no doubt be appreciated by the Heritage Committee. The Heritage Committee is responsible to make recommendations to Council regarding the restoration of the Wong Guy Shoe Shop Heritage property. Heritage buildings like the Wong Guy Shoe Shop and the Elks Hall provide us with important links to our past, and once restored can be re-purposed for modern-day use.
Blake Campbell
Gull Lake Events