FULL TIME Grader Operator/Utility Person- R.M. of Carmichael No 109
The R.M. offers a comprehensive benefits package including: disability, pension, health and dental.
Duties and Responsibilities:
Operate a grader to complete road maintenance, grading, minor road construction, and snow ploughing.
Ensuring roads are maintained and repair on priority basis and ability to repair machinery and attachments.
Manage all duties given by council and administration.
Operate a tractor and mower.
Haul and spread gravel.
Other duties as assigned.
Preference given to individual with weed spray license or willingness to obtain.
All applicants require a valid drivers license.
Wage is to be negotiated based off of experience, with a baseline wage of $30 per hour.
Position to begin April 1, 2025.
Application deadline: February 10th, 2025, 4:00 p.m.
Submit Resumes to:
RM of Carmichael No.109
Box 420
Gull Lake, SK
S0N 1A0
Email: rm109@sasktel.net
Fax # 306-672-3295