I can’t believe 4 years have come and gone. My first term on town council has been very educational and exciting. I would like to thank everyone in the community who came out and voted in the last election. I have decided in the upcoming Election to put my name forward as Mayor. I am asking for your support in my decision. The saying “it takes a community to raise a child” couldn’t be anymore true than here. We all watch out for each other. Michelle and I have discussed many times how lucky we are to live in a community like ours. Our three kids have been fortunate to experience this and to grow up in Gull Lake. Annika, our oldest tells us, she will be moving back here after her last year of business school. This would make any parent proud and extremely happy. This says a lot about our great town. In the last 4 years, I have been very involved and active within different areas of our local government and community committees . I am very proud of what this last council achieved. Like many communities, Gull Lake is challenged with aging infrastructure and a limited tax base. This is a challenge, but a challenge that can be overcome with effective planning and efficient spending. We have drilled a second well and built a new pump house. These two wells will now provide our community a reliable and sustainable source of water for years to come. Another thing you are all aware of is the street work that has been done recently. These projects will help maintain the needs today and hopefully attract future opportunities to our community.
As a council, we have had a great working relationship with our local MLA. When looking to achieve success for your community, I feel it's vital to have a productive relationship with all levels of government and community partners. This is one area for continued improvement, and look forward to maintaining our relationships.
If elected I will be pursuing completion of the water hook up and try my best to feasibly improve our water quality and improving our downtown core. I will continue to support and protect our local businesses and work tirelessly to attract new businesses and new opportunities to our community. With the support of a newly elected council these goals can be achieved.
Last but not least, I will continue to work to improve and protect our Health Center and Autumn House. Our regional partners, and former Mayor Lance Allen have successfully advocated for resumption of services and I will fully commit to continue that advocacy on behalf of our residents. So as we all move forward, I would humbly ask for your support on November 13th. Let's work together in building a strong and vibrant community and let's ensure Gull Lake remains a community of opportunity.
I will do my best in trying to connect with each of you over the next month. I look forward to hearing your concerns and what vision you have for our great community. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at 306-671-0000.
Thank you for your time,
Dennis Kirk
Related Links
Here are some suggested links about Dennis Kirk's mayoral candidacy for Gull Lake:
Gull Lake Town Council Meetings - Link to the Gull Lake Town Council Meetings page for information on upcoming meetings and how to attend.
Gull Lake Public Notices and Reports - Link to the Gull Lake Public Notices and Reports page for updates on local government activities and announcements.
Gull Lake Election Information - Link to the Gull Lake Election Information page for details about the upcoming municipal election and candidate profiles.
Gull Lake Community Updates - Link to the Gull Lake Community Updates page for the latest news and updates about the community and local government activities.