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Wong Guy Shoe Shop Facade Restoration Proposal Approved

The Town Council formally approved the facade restoration proposal at the regular Council meeting held on April 28, 2021. In December of 2020, the Town of Gull Lake received a $20,000 matching grant from the Built Saskatchewan Program to add exterior siding to the Wong Guy Shoe Shop. J & M Construction Ltd is the successful tender selected to complete the work. To stay on budget Town Council set the maximum budget at $40,000 (excluding GST), volunteers will be used where possible, and the focus of the project will be placed on the front of the building. This is the second major improvement made to the building in 2016, the Shoe Shop roof was repaired.

Motion from April 28th Council Minutes:

Kirk/ Migneault:
THAT we accept the proposal submitted by J & M Construction Ltd. for restoration work on the Wong Guy Shoe Shop building subject to:
a maximum available budget of $40,000.00 (excluding GST);
rear shed demo to be removed from the proposal;
volunteers to be used where possible;
focus to be placed on front façade CARRIED

The Wong Guy Shoe Shop was acquired by the town in 2014 and is Gull Lake's first declared heritage property. The video that follows explains the key role the Shoe Shop and its owner Mr. Wong Guy played in our community.

It is good to see the effort being put forward to preserve this significant piece of our community's heritage by the Heritage Committee, Economic Development Committee, and Town Council. Eventually, as future improvements are made to the building, it will be able to be repurposed and once again play a key role in our community.

Blake Campbell

Gull Lake Events


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