Economic Development Committees (EDCs) create economic development initiatives and opportunities aimed at improving a municipality's economy. We have an EDC and an Economic Development Officer (EDO) in Gull Lake, and their primary responsibility is to look for ways to improve the local economy and support local businesses. It is a significant undertaking for the community, and the more input, ideas, and support the EDC receives, the more successful they will be in developing initiatives or opportunities aimed at improving the local economy and supporting local businesses.
If you own a local business, your input is especially valuable because you have a personal stake in the town's economy. Nobody knows business like a business owner, and your knowledge, experience, and assistance are invaluable. You can provide input to the EDC in a variety of ways. You can network and share information, ideas, and concerns through the Gull Lake Business Connection Facebook Page or at an EDC business meeting. If you prefer to speak with someone, call the EDO Lindsay Alliban 306-741-3775 and share your ideas with her.
Whatever method of communication you prefer, make sure to share your thoughts and concerns with the EDO/EDC and assist them in improving our town's local economy.
Blake Campbell
Gull Lake Events